why we started

The Building Safety Act 2022, is often described as a landmark law. The Building Safety Act of 2022 aims to enhance building safety for residents, shifting accountability to Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs) and Accountable Persons (APs), impacting those involved in the construction and management of buildings. However, for those in roles such as Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs) or Accountable Persons (APs) who oversee just one building or a small development, the challenge of limited capacity and knowledge can be overwhelming when it comes to complying with this landmark law.

We understand the difficulties faced by PAPs, APs, Resident Management Companies (RMC’s), and Right to Manage Companies (RTM’s) who seek a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need to hire a full-time Building Safety Director and related resources. That’s why we introduced a pioneering solution.

Our comprehensive solution empowers PAPs, APs, RCMs, and RMTs, providing them with a combination of competent resources and a streamlined platform that simplifies the discharge of their accountabilities while effectively managing their building safety duties.

One of the key strengths of our solution is our talent pool. We have assembled the best and most experienced building safety management professionals in the country,primarily through referrals and invitations only. We aim to provide our clients with an association and environment surrounded by excellence.

Our specialist Building Safety Directors are a closely-knit team of experts who share our vision of collective knowledge. When you hire a BSM solution Building Safety Director , you not only benefit from their expertise but also tap into the collective knowledge of our entire talent pool. They can draw upon the skills and experience of the whole team whenever needed, ensuring that you receive the most comprehensive and effective building safety management solutions in the market.

Our goal is simple to offer the expertise of the best, most helpful, diligent, knowledgeable, and commercial building safety professionals in order to provide the definitive solution to your building safety management.

our purpose

Improving the quality of life safety for all residents.

our Mission

To help our clients operate lawfully, implement building safety easily, effectively, efficiently and deliver performance with value where they need it.  To build a great firm that attracts, develops, engages, and retains exceptional dedicated people.

our values

Adhere to the highest professional standards

  • We operate with diligence
  • We are Positive and Helpful
  • We provide Great Customer Service
  • We are Reliable
  • We always Do the Right Thing


  • Be a trusted advisor to clients
  • Bring continuous improvement in building safety management practice to the firm and in turn to clients
  • Maintain high standards and conditions for client service
  • Build client capabilities to sustain improvement
  • Observe high ethical standards
  • Build enduring relationships based on trust
  • Preserve client confidences
  • Maintain an independent perspective
  • Manage client and firm resources cost-effectively
  • Develop one another through peer review and mentoring